
The DragonHeart Family Home


A Short Tour of the Springs

As you might expect with a large family the Springs is a very large complex with lots of places to checkout. #DesertSprings is our Family/Living room where most of the family activities take place. Each of the kids has their own room and then there are the specialty rooms. Some of our main rooms include the Computer Lab where we all get online on IRC, the Library/Resource room where we go our information searches, the Family Classroom, the Art Gallery where we show off our artwork and poetry, and the #Hawaiian Weyr where we go to relax or work on poetry or just talk in the sun.


a Flowside Beach Resort for tired Dragons and Dragonfriends.
This is where we go to relax or work on poetry or just talk. 

DragonHeart Family Art-Photo-Poetry Gallery: 

where we show off our artwork and poetry
Feel free to look and enjoy but all work is copywrited.

Family Portrait Hall:

where you can see us all and met us individually.

Computer Lab: 

where we get online to talk in IRC.


Where we turn to when we need info or programs about anything and everything.

Family Classroom: 

where we hold classes on subjects the family and friends have questions about.

The Lost Family: 

Portraits of the lost Dragonhearts - taken in a reality warp.

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The home of the Weekly Alt.Fan.Dragons Poetry Reading - come and enjoy

Return to #DesertSprings

Website created: January 22, 1998
Website last updated: July 18, 2003
Copyright Dragon Logic Enterprises 1998-2003